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Australian Government Is Investing In Cybersecurity

Australian Government Is Investing In Cybersecurity

The Australian Government intends to contribute an aggregate of AU$30 million to upgrade and modernize the information technology environment among 28 of the state’s Medical clinics and Healthcare centres in a bid to prepare for cyber threats. The AU$30 million will be split among clinics across Melbourne and local and provincial health centres.

Melbourne clinics will get a larger part portion of almost AU$22 million, while the remaining AU$8 million will be parted among provincial and rural health centres. To be conveyed as a feature of the state government’s Clinical Technology Refresh program, the financing will be utilized explicitly to add more established servers and operating systems with new infrastructure.

The new infrastructure promoted by the state government will help Information Technology to remain up-to-date, improve network speed, support the rollout of Wi-Fi at the bedside of patients, just as empower the loading and previewing high-resolution clinical imaging, telehealth, and admittance to clinical help and pathology results from different Healthcare centres.

“We are helping hospitals and health services across Victoria upgrade computers and IT infrastructure to strengthen reliability and cybersecurity,” Victorian Minister for Health Martin Foley said. “This is about protecting our health services from cyber attacks.”

Last month, surgeries operated by Eastern Health in Victoria were forced to cancel some patient appointments after experiencing a “cyber incident”.  So medical centres in Australia have information that is confidential and important they are most targeted by cyber threats. They have important information including patients’ protected health information.

MedicalIT.Services provide you with satisfactory service in making your medical centre a threat. Our team has great expertise in defending against any threat which you might face. We have broad experience to fill in the gaps that exist in your security capabilities. We identify the gaps and manage risk and allocate resources to address them. Our team is available at your service for providing you with a better and tension-free medical environment.

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